Celebrating Sinterklaas 

Celebrating Sinterklaas 

I love the idea of Sinterklaas and that it is endemic in dutch life. It is literally everywhere and there is an annual national tv series about his visit here. It airs daily for the month or so leading up to his arrival and during his stay in the Netherlands. It...
Having a multi-lingual house

Having a multi-lingual house

Since moving to the Netherlands we’ve had to negotiate how to include Dutch into our family life. Or whether we want to at all. Obviously we are a British family, and our main language is English, but in order to integrate better here we were keen to all learn...
Finding balance

Finding balance

In January starry girl will turn four, and start school. This will be a big change for all of us, and I can’t quite believe that it’s got here so fast. These last few months with her at home for most of the time are, I’m sure, going to go by so fast....
Lunchbox notes

Lunchbox notes

Before rocket boy started school I heard about the idea of lunchbox notes – where you pack a short note in with your child’s lunchbox so they know that you’re thinking of them during the day. I tried it out first with my husband, who was amused but...

Keeping connected

The more I read about bringing up children the more important I think it is to maintain a connection with them. In fact I made it one of my New Year’s Resolutions. I am trying to be more conscious about where my focus is – to either be actively doing...

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