Self-publishing 16: ISBNs

Self-publishing 16: ISBNs

To isbn or not to isbn? The answer to this isn’t as easy as you might think. Every book needs to have an international standard book number, as an ex-librarian (gosh that sounds weird to say!) I know it is important and ties into your book being able to be...
Self-publishing 15: Amazon

Self-publishing 15: Amazon

Whether you choose to publish your ebooks exclusively to Amazon, and so join their KDP Select and make your books available through Kindle Unlimited, or you decide to make you ebooks available wide across multiple retailers, you need to learn how Amazon works. Amazon...
Self-publishing 14: social media

Self-publishing 14: social media

As a self-employed entrepreneur (which is what being a self-published author is) you need to engage with your audience in order to raise their interest in your products. In this case your books. And social media is one way to do that. It is not the only way, and there...
Self publishing 11: what’s your goal

Self publishing 11: what’s your goal

Early on in your writing career you need to take some time and really think about why you want to write and publish, as not everyone has the same goals. There’s no point comparing yourself to anyone else when you don’t understand what you’re trying...

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