by Clarissa | Aug 6, 2018 | family, personal |
My biggest childhood regret is that I never learned how to cartwheel properly. My legs never go straight over me and I end up in a heap at the end, as I don’t land on my feet again. Not that I’ve tried in years. Why didn’t I learn to cartwheel? Lots...
by Clarissa | Aug 2, 2018 | family |
This summer I want to try and do the activities that the children want to do – let them lead in choosing, and executing what we do each day. Or at least as much as I can. I have ideas, but I’m going to try not to push those. Ideally we want to have a mix...
by Clarissa | Jul 9, 2018 | dutch life, family, libraries
Dutch public libraries have an annual offer, where for the months of July and August they provide a pre-defined list of ebooks freely available for all library members. These books are all in Dutch, but they cover a variety of age groups (from 4yo to adult) and a...
by Clarissa | Aug 29, 2017 | family |
Our summer holiday this year was a whirlwind tour around the UK visiting family, seeing friends and cramming in some British culture. It was lovely to see those we did meet up with, though a shame not to catch all those we missed. We saw castles, houses, gardens, and...
by Clarissa | Sep 13, 2016 | dutch life
Albert Heijn (the local supermarket – a bit like Sainsburys back in the UK) gave out moestuintjes earlier in the year. For each fifteen euros you spent you got a little pot with seeds in – a random one from twenty-four different types of plant in a...