by Clarissa | Oct 15, 2019 | writing
Some of you may have noticed that my blog has a new tagline: Exploring purpose and belonging across worlds Over the summer I’ve been thinking a lot about what direction I’m going in with my writing, and what the theme is that ties it all together. And I...
by Clarissa | Sep 24, 2018 | personal, writing |
I am struggling at the moment – I know what I want to be (an author), but though I have a plan for how to get there I’m not there yet. I feel like I’m in an extended period of metamorphosis. It’s nearly five years since I last worked in an...
by Clarissa | Oct 16, 2017 | family, personal |
In January starry girl will turn four, and start school. This will be a big change for all of us, and I can’t quite believe that it’s got here so fast. These last few months with her at home for most of the time are, I’m sure, going to go by so fast....
by Clarissa | Jun 26, 2016 | dutch life
Wow, I don’t think anyone actually thought the leave campaign would win. But the referendum result was a narrow margin of victory for them and the only person who seems to be celebrating this is Nigel Farage. It is sad that the whole campaign on both sides was...
by Clarissa | Jan 18, 2016 | dutch life
We’re settling into life here now – I’ve joined an orchestra, started doing yoga & go to church every now and again (that’s another reason to improve the Dutch). Rocket boy has started school & starry girl is about to start preschool,...