My Blog

My musings about the world, self publishing, living abroad, and my author career.

Luke, Louisa, Lionel

Luke, Louisa, Lionel

Luke is Jack's father in "What Jack found". He is sceptical and down to earth. He knows his wife is interested in magic, but doesn't want his son being brought up to believe any of that. He gets angry when promises are broken, even when there are extenuating...

Kyra, Keith

Kyra, Keith

Kyra is the titular character in my story "The weaver's daughter". She is twelve and most of the time has a long plait down her back. She is kind and resourceful, even when faced with the monster everyone in the village has warned her against. Available from...

Julian, Josephine, Jack

Julian, Josephine, Jack

Julian West is the owner of West Neurotechnologies in my story "A lakeside meeting". He is single-minded and struggles to see other points of view. He will do anything to overcome opposition and dissent. Available from (affiliate links):

Iorwen, Idelle

Iorwen, Idelle

Iorwen is one of the main characters in "Awakening Iorwen". She is the only child of the Demetae clan chief and has been cursed to sleep for a hundred years. She is intelligent and wants to find her own path in life. Available from (affiliate links):

Hefin, Habib, Hilmar

Hefin, Habib, Hilmar

Hefin is the translator in my story "Awakening Iorwen". He has a Welsh background, but was captured by the Romans early in their conquest and now works for them. Available from (affiliate links): All other Amazon stores Habib is in my...

Gaius, Gwayne

Gaius, Gwayne

Gaius is one of the Roman soldiers in my story "Awakening Iorwen". Gwayne is the Demetae Clan Chief in "Awakening Iorwen", though I'm not sure if he's actually named in that story. He is a large man with a big ginger beard that he's often twirling his fingers through...

Flavius, Fiona, Flede

Flavius, Fiona, Flede

Flavius is one of the Roman soldiers in my story "Awakening Iorwen". Available from (affiliate links): All other Amazon stores Fiona is the protaganist's friend in the story I'm writing for an anthology. She is the catalyst for what...

Evike, Eloise, Eric

Evike, Eloise, Eric

Evike is one of the interns from my story "Meeting the Galactic Congregation". She is quiet and thoughtful - when she does speak the others listen as she always has a new viewpoint on the discussion at hand. Eloise is the Head of Engineering on Beagle 3 in the same...

Douglas, Damian

Douglas, Damian

Douglas is the ghost in my story "Spook School." This was recorded and is available as past of the Alone in a Room with Invisible People podcast Halloween flash fiction special last year. It's towards the end of the podcast. He is curious and quick to help if he sees...



Callmorphus is from the sci-fi story I'm currently writing. He is one of the other interns to the congregation on the spaceship Rosin. He is the leader of the class and makes life difficult for the main characters. I suppose that makes him a secondary antagonist in...

Bernard, Bastet, Bryn, Prince Buttercup, Bedri, Boris

Bernard, Bastet, Bryn, Prince Buttercup, Bedri, Boris

Bernard and Bastet are both from my story "A lakeside meeting". Bernard is career-orientated and dedicated to his work as a neurotechnologist. He is the world expert on brain-interfacing. He is consumed by the challenge of using hybrid electrical butterflies to...

Agrippa, Attius, Anne

Agrippa, Attius, Anne

Agrippa is the second-in-command of the Second Legion in Awakening Iorwen. He is an experienced soldier who has worked his way up the ranks and seen many battles. He acts first and thinks later, and can come across as very gruff. He is broad, with a scar on his top...

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