When do you wear your best dress?

When do you wear your best dress?

My daughter has a favourite dress. It’s purple and frilly and great for wearing to parties, weddings etc. But she wants to wear it all the time. She’ll go to the playarea in it, or poke around the garden, and of course wear it to school. In fact...
365 questions a year

365 questions a year

For Christmas 2016 I was given a Dutch 5 year diary, but rather than just having the spaces to write in it had a question for every day. The idea being that every day of the year you answered that question, and then at the end of five years you can see how much...
What do you regret?

What do you regret?

My biggest childhood regret is that I never learned how to cartwheel properly. My legs never go straight over me and I end up in a heap at the end, as I don’t land on my feet again. Not that I’ve tried in years. Why didn’t I learn to cartwheel? Lots...
Being child-led

Being child-led

This summer I want to try and do the activities that the children want to do – let them lead in choosing, and executing what we do each day. Or at least as much as I can. I have ideas, but I’m going to try not to push those. Ideally we want to have a mix...
Museum cards

Museum cards

The Dutch have a great system where you can buy an annual subscription, and then visit pretty much all the museums in the country for free. This is a museum card, and it is personalised, so has your name and the adult cards have your photo on too. Children’s...
Nee-nah or tatu?

Nee-nah or tatu?

What I hadn’t thought about when learning a new language was that it’s not only the words that are different. The sounds that things make are different too. For example in Dutch cows say “boo” and cockerels crow “kukuleku”. And...

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