Over the last few weeks, as well as relaxing over the summer holiday, I have been thinking through how to use the different broadcast methods I have. My newsletter is growing (sign up if you haven’t already) and my Facebook author page is increasing in likes too.
One hiccup that has made me rethink what I post where, is that Facebook has changed the rules on auto posting from my blog. So I can no longer post my blog onto my personal profile, because obviously all blogs are run by businesses.
Now, here is my plan for what I want to post where, my communication strategy if you will:
- Blog – I’m going back to posting once a week. I have been posting twice a week since the beginning of the year, and I don’t think they have been as thoughtful as I really want them to be. And though traffic has gone up by doing that I’m suspicious that it’s multiple visits from the same people, rather than more visitors. So I’m going back to posting weekly. Given that my blog will now be posting to my Facebook author page I will probably write more often about writing and less about anything else. But we’ll have to see how that goes.
- Newsletter – this will be a short monthly update on what I’m doing along with an exclusive piece of fiction I have written. For example, a draft scene, a character interview or a piece of flash fiction
- Facebook page – this will have my blog posts automatically and I will add semi-regular posts. Exactly what will be a bit of trial and error to see what gets interaction. So far I haven’t done very well with that.
- Twitter – my blog posts will be automatically tweeted and I’ll also add random thoughts as I feel like it and reply to other people.
I’m really writing this down here for me, but I felt I would share it in case anyone was interested and so you knew what was going on.
I am also going to use only my own photos for the post headers on my blog. While most of the ones I’ve used have been mine, there are a few times I’ve been lazy and found other photos. But from now on I will only use my own photos. And I’ll try to improve those too!
Crazy, isn’t it? I like the plans for your newsletter. Just hope you have some time left to actually write–always the challenge in this day of having the “expected” social media presence.
Thanks! Yes, that’s another reason to cut down on my blog posts!