Z is for zeker, zeggen and zien.
Zeker means certainly and is often used as a one word answer, or two words with yes first!
Zeggen is to say and zien is to see. These are two verbs that are irregular and I often get their past tenses confused. Zaggen is saw and zeiden is said. The best way I’ve found to remember which one of these goes with the other is to recite a Dutch children’s song about seeing bears making sandwiches. Then I know which way round they go. Oh it was a wonder!
Thank you for following me with this A-Z of interesting/useful Dutch words. I hope you’ve learnt something. Any mistakes let me know and we’ll be back to normal postings now!
I think the first Dutch word I ever knew was Zee. Congrats on completing your A To Z Challenge!
Thanks! It was fun ?