This year I’m going to take part in the A-Z blog challenge. So for every day in April (except Sundays) I will be posting something related to each letter of the alphabet. And each post will be able one (of more) Dutch words that start with that letter. These will be a combination of words that have personal stories attached, words I particularly like, words that confuse me, common Dutch words, and words that everyone in the Netherlands should learn.
I hope you all enjoy the series and in May normal service will return!
Sounds like a great theme – I look forward to learning some Dutch words.
Tasha’s Theme Reveal
Thanks – I hope you enjoy it!
I look forward to learning some Dutch. Good luck!
Thanks – I hope you do!
It looks like we’ve got a Dutch class forming here. Have fun!
Thanks – we’ll see how we go!
Such a fun way to tale the chalenge. I know nothing of Datch!
Theme Reveal – Weimar Germany
Oh sounds good – I might even manage to remember a word or two!
I hope so!