Two children at school

Two children at school

So I now have two children at school. Starry girl takes delight in telling me that I miss her. And I do. The house seems very empty. Very quiet. When it was only for a couple of mornings a week I always had a list of things to get done before I was on pick-up duty....
Moving on up

Moving on up

Rocket boy has now made the transition to group three at his Dutch school. This is they year that it gets serious – he starts reading, writing and doing sums. He has his own desk and tray underneath for his things. Each child has been given a set of...
Moestuin sucess

Moestuin sucess

Albert Heijn (the local supermarket – a bit like Sainsburys back in the UK) gave out moestuintjes earlier in the year. For each fifteen euros you spent you got a little pot with seeds in – a random one from twenty-four different types of plant in a...
The language of music…

The language of music…

…is obviously Italian! I am enjoying being a member of a wind band here in the Netherlands, and I’ve now been playing with them for over a year. And this blog post has been in my mind for nearly that long! I used to play in two orchestras and a wind...

annual review 2015

We’re settling into life here now – I’ve joined an orchestra, started doing yoga & go to church every now and again (that’s another reason to improve the Dutch). Rocket boy has started school & starry girl is about to start preschool,...

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