Well, Dragon Heir is available. It is even now available in paperback too, as that took a bit longer to get right. And Dragon Queen is also now up for preorder for the end of this year. And if all goes according to plan, then that will close out this series. Which is an exciting and terrifying prospect!

If you haven’t already got your copy, then go get them! Read on for the blurb for Dragon Queen. As for me, I am turning my attention back to the fae world and editing Fae Secrets, book two in that series.
Dragon Queen
Old enemies rise.
New foes emerge.
The final reckoning is here.
Birgith struggles to be taken seriously as the new Bear Leader. She longs to disappear to the secret valley, but her duty is to those she represents… even if the other Clan Leaders prefer to deal with her deposed aunt instead.
Then another dragon is spotted — an invader from beyond the seas.
Birgith must find a way to defend Kaitstud from more dragons, without forfeiting the safety of her own dragon family in the process.
When circumstances force Haydn and Birgith apart, Haydn must take drastic action to secure their future. If he doesn’t earn the clans’ respect, he’ll become the worthless human they assume he is.
Will they learn to stand up for each other in order to save Kaitstud together, or will the clans, and their relationship, splinter apart around them?
Read the thrilling conclusion to Birgith & Haydn’s tale and the continent of Kaitstud, with betrayals, intrigue, and twists and turns along the way.
Publish date: 26th October 2022