If you are a regular reader then you will no doubt have noticed that I have updated the theme on my blog, so that it is a bit sleeker. It is the latest in a series of steps to make my blog more of a website with a blog attached, as I have more static content and as I publish more books those are only going to increase.
As well as a new theme I have taken the step of moving the blog from wordpress.com to a self-hosted version. This means that I have more control over what I can do with it, while still using wordpress as the software to run it. From the readers point of view it looks prettier (I hope) but nothing much else has changed – the url is the same and I’ve brought nearly all of the content over to the new site. (If you really want to read any of my blog posts from before we moved to the Netherlands then they are still available at my original site address.)
In other news I have received my editors comments back on Dragon Shift and I am working through them. I anticipate a November publication – final details soon! Now, I need to go back into them…