And how could I forget:
- Chocolate sprinkles on toast is a perfectly accepted breakfast food
- Children on their birthday give presents to everyone else in their class
- Vegetables in the supermarket change price markedly depending on the season
- The default cooking method seems to be frying
- Supermarkets are small, even those that claim to be extra large!
- Children’s medicine (and some adults) is given by suppository, so no calpol just zetpils
- Paracetamol solves all ills 🙂
- Cafe = pub
- Coffee shop doesn’t sell coffee 😉
- Limonade = cordial/squash not fizzy
- There’s only one type of curry
- Standard crisp flavours are bolognese and pepper, rather than cheese and onion or salt and vinegar
- Nobody seems to pick up dog poo off the streets
- There seems to be two different postal systems
I started writing this almost immediately after I published the previous post, but somehow it’s taken me over two months to finish it. Things have been getting on top of me a bit and so I entrenched and only did the necessary. Now I seem to have found a little space to think again; beyond the daily routine and planning activities for two children.