Homeschooling report

Homeschooling report

Like many round the world we have been watching the coronavirus pandemic spread. This is an unsettling time for everyone, especially those who, like me, find themselves in the high risk category. In order to minimise the spread and control the need for hospital and...
Reaching “the end”

Reaching “the end”

At the end of last week I reached the end of the novel I was writing. Well, the first draft of it anyway. It’s still rough and needs alot of editing, but I think that it is worth editing. Which is better than my previous one that I would need to completely...
Daily routines

Daily routines

I am getting more used to being home alone, and structuring my day. It’s like I’m exploring my own inner motivation. I could just sit around and read Facebook all day, though more than a day of that and I’d go crazy! I’ve found that setting out...

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